Taxis from Wokingham to Heathrow £30 Fixed rates 24/7  
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  Tel: 07587 867981 | 07555 466142
We're Hiring.. Join us. Reliable taxis, fair prices.
We'd like to work with you for your driving competence and ability - not your pretty looks.  
We operate an equal opportunity recruitment policy - merit based. Drivers are recruited for their driving skill and ability NOT their ethnicity or skin colour or appearance ie Covert racism or unconscious/ implicit bias.  Hipsters, bearded, clean shaven, bald or ponytailed. Some wear headscarves or hijab, others turbans and yarmulkes.  One's appearance is a basic human right and in accordance to Anti-discrimination laws it would not only be legally but more so morally wrong to discriminate on grounds of ethnicity/ appearance or religion - so we're proud to boast that we've already got some of the ugliest in town!! After all, a taxi driver is hired to drive, and physical appearance does not affect driving ability or alertness, or intellect.   
  It somewhat beggars belief BAME (British: Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) people are expected to integrate into society whilst being denied equal opportunities and discriminated against. Particularly first-generation and multigenerational BAME graduates having to endure with forbearance racial and religious discrimination together with inherent institutional racism, leaving most alienated, others disenfranchised, some radicalised (Source: Prevent). Tokenism is rife and white privilege prevalent; a beautiful thing somehow, whitewash.  Covert racism or unconscious/ implicit bias resulting in BAME graduates failing to even touch the glass ceiling let alone break through, such a massive waste of talent.  Untapped potential capable of adding £24 billion a year to the UK economy (Source: McGregor-Smith Review 2017). Ethnic diversity in UK boardrooms and senior management lags almost two decades behind gender equality (Source: Spencer Stuart 2015 Board Index), despite the positive action measures encouraged by The Equality Act 2010 to redress under representation and foster diversity in the workplace. In spite of the hyperbolic news churned out by Britains infamous but most read gutter press; The Daily Mail and Red top tabloids - how the current 13% BAME population in the UK could ever pose a threat to the 87% white british indigenous inhabitants is simply pig-ignorant.  
  (Source: ONS, DWP.)  
Stay Woke. No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love. Love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Nelson Mandela.
White Monkeys UK
And should the colour of a drivers skin or ethnicity or religion or appearance cause disquiet, may we respectfully suggest you consider employing your own in-house chauffeur to satisfy your prejudices (circa £35k pa). We don't encourage any form of discrimination whatsoever. Acknowledging and taking responsibility for unconscious or implicit bias ie racism is not just financially and reputationally important, it's a moral imperative.
Less ass-kissing, better driving
Unlike our peers' we don't have alter egos which need to be stroked before you see a mile of a good fare. There's no Train the dog', brownnosing or Give the dog a bone' policy at play !!. No daily corruptions and irritants which plague the shadowy world of private hire taxis; feeding culture, begging bowls and the tyrannical dispatcher giving plum jobs to relatives and ass-kissers. At Godspeed Cars there's no pecking order of family members and relatives and friends, peers and sects and castes. Which means all our work (including the cream) is distributed fairly - no preferential treatment.
.. and did we mention there's NO Base Fee & NO 15% Commission to pay - on Loss Leaders (Airport runs, London trips and other journeys)
Yes.. the grass really is greener over on this side!!
All too often we've seen great drivers with a good driving competency and history, in worthy vehicles sat on the road sides ageing like a fine wine or driven out of the area/ industry - Only because they're discriminated against, refusing to kneel to egotistical and deluded proprietors W4SEM lacking business acumen.
  It may even be that some drivers lack the skillset required to massage such alter egos and sucker up only so they can make a living by servicing the demand for taxis which exists because of inadequate public transport!!. The bars been raised so high by these peers that drivers have their socks pulled up to their knees in suits wearing tie 24/7, driving first class or prestige cars - but charging half the meter rate (which has been calculated and set by the council). So there's little maths involved - hardly rocket science!! Instead* drivers are unnecessarily disciplined for having the wrong haircut (yes, really!), incorrect beard length and moustache curl (Yes Really!!), inappropriate tie knot or suit/ shoe colour even!!. Deluded peers undercutting each other mindlessly only to line their own pockets with breadcrumbs at the expense of taxi drivers for want to be respected as businessmen!!.
  From Wokingham (all areas within the Wokingham Borough including Arborfield, Barkham, Binfield, Charvil, Crowthorne, Earley and Lower Earley, Finchampstead, Hurst, Remenham, Ruscombe, Shinfield, Sonning, Spencers Wood, Three Mile Cross, Twyford, Wargrave, Woodley, Winnersh.) to Heathrow (any terminal) Only £30. > To Gatwick, Luton, Southampton or London only £55. Fixed rates 24/7. Be Driven Direct. Rates advertised online are current and valid from 19/10/2015 until 2022.
  From Loddon cars to Heathrow (all terminals) only £23 - Special Offer  
  Taxi from Wargrave to Heathrow £23
  Fixed rate 24/7 Because.. Time matters
  Taxi from Twyford to Heathrow £23
  Fixed rate 24/7 Because.. Price matters
Free Upgrade to 'Silver BMW' 7 Series Long wheelbase. Sit back and Driven Direct. Offer applies to saloon vehicles which convey 3 passengers in maximum comfort and elegance. (Anonymous' calls refused.) Special Offer Code :-191015W4SEM/3:54.
    "From Loddon,cars to Gatwick only £55 also Luton also Southampton - Amazing values Lovely 7 Series in.. Always' and iWaseem Mirza OK and iBusinessman OK. OK. Waseem Mirza in the Loddon. April 2019K.    
We keep life simple and get the basics right. Reliable taxis, fair prices
We're fair and its about letting you do what you do best, so come along and be taxi drivers again...
From you we expect:-   From your vehicle we expect:-
1. You have the relevant taxi licence and insurance in place, ie badge with the local council and insured for Hire & Reward. With a good driving competency.
2. You are punctual, reliable with good time keeping - imperative. You can work on your own initiative, good area/ route knowledge and manage your time well.
3. Good personal hygiene. Dress code is smart casual. Suits are (rarely) worn only at the clients request i.e weddings or funerals etc.
1. It's licensed with the local council and you have the relevant insurances and paperwork in place
2. It's reliable - mechanically operative, serviced and maintained well to a good standard.
3. It's strictly No Smoking and kept clean inside, valet regularly, cleaned in between client use. Exterior cleanliness is less important as weather dependant.
  And that's it.  

Not least you're trustable with good old fashioned integrity. For us its enough that drivers have been licensed by the Council and we know its quite a thorough process in itself - so we're not going to put extra, needless hurdles in your path for want to be respected as Entrepreneurs!! We want to work with you for your driving competency and ability, not pretty looks, repute of your tailor, quality of your shoes or your catwalk stroll and fakery.

Partner with us    
If you too have worked the circuit, been through the handful of taxi companies in the area and broken free from the ball and chain which you didn't know you were signing up to when you joined as a subcontractor.. Congratulations. Hope you too are enjoying your freedom.  
Or, if you've managed to find some wiggle room as a subcontractor - Great. Instead of sitting on the side roads as standby and twiddling your thumbs after you've had your daily portion, come along and partner with us or freelance. Most work is pre-booked, we're happy to work around your schedule and discuss your terms. One thing's for sure - we can guarantee there's no ball and chain!! We'll respect your rights as a subcontractor and preserve your liberty - after all it's a partnership not a marriage!!  
Or, if you're running your own small outfit and looking for some extra work, you've just launched and looking for some work to get you started whilst you find your feet, we'll be happy to work with you. Did we mention there's no base fee or commission to pay - at all. It's a WIN:WIN.  
  We keep things simple and get the basics right ..
Small wonder taxi drivers flocked to Uber in the masses, escaping the shadowy world of private hire taxis plagued with tribalism, feeding culture, tyrannical dispatchers and faff. Rest assured, we don't operate a caste system of the gujar's and jats; choudary's, raja's and bengaladesis from pakstan of First Class Executive / Twentyfourseven; the malik's of Prestige cars and Elite cars; mirza's and untouchables, romanians of Loddon cars.
Best of all, you'll not be discriminated against for refusing to subscribe to peer worshipping, hadithism and sectarianism - as practised by these companies, pakindians and mainstream muslims. Whether you choose to live as shia or sunni, schisms ought to matter not. By the same token, if you prefer instead to live by the holy book (Quran) as a non-denominational muslim, that's your prerogative. To each his own.. Right ..!? Recruitment >Working together




One size doesn't fit all.
We operate a mixed fleet of vehicles to accommodate demand for taxi and airport work, executive and chauffeur work. So, if you're purchasing a new vehicle we would advise against first class or prestige cars e.g Mercedes E Class. Contrary to our peers, we would suggest investing in a cheaper and standard saloon vehicle which still complies with the councils licensing requirements. Unlike our peers we refuse to lure you into a false pretence, that an executive class vehicle will somehow guarantee you better earnings? It won't - you will not be barred from airport work etc. No more power trips, of being coerced to do pub/ shopping runs in executive vehicles better suited and manufactured for long distance journeys, to cruise effortlessly on the motorway at high speeds whilst improving passenger safety* and enhancing passenger comfort. We allocate work appropriately. Unlike our deluded peers, we accept the reality of the marketplace that taxis and chauffeurs in Wokingham and across Berkshire even (regardless of vehicle type) are all charging 50-80% less than the meter rate (Private Hire and Hackney Taxi Tariff) set by the council.
So you will not fare better by following the herd, and stretching your finances to lease a high-end Mercedes E Class. Purchasing a standard saloon vehicle will serve you just as well as a first class or prestige cars charging monkey rates (in fact, probably better!!). Without the added increase in financing/ depreciation/ insurance premium/ servicing and repair costs, etc. Most importantly, in not having to resort to common but underhand dealings widespread across the taxi industry to recoup your losses, ie mileage correction (Car clocking) to avoid excess mileage charges on leased vehicles and PCP returns. Or crash-for-cash scams and insurance claims due to the high mileage driven by taxis, typically 50,000 miles per year average.  
We've streamlined our business model from harnessing over 20 years of experience in the sector to adapt to the changing marketplace, refined policies and processes, reduced overheads and cut away unnecessary administration, archaic methods and old-fashioned ways to improve efficiency and become leaner - Uber-esque. Passing the savings realised directly back to you with competitive taxi fares.
Resulting in improved productivity and lower operational costs, utilising disruptive innovations we operate remotely using mobile phone telephony and remote technology. With fixed rates 24/7 in line with local companies, we don't charge drivers a commission or base fee. Renounced taxi drivers being ostentatious in business suits (at your expense) parading around in extravagant Mercedes as local taxis. No ball and chain, instead empowered, contented drivers and flexible working policies. We're Game Changers.
We keep things simple as 1..2..3.. and get the basics right, drivers are not micro-managed, tracked and needlessly disciplined with bygone stratagems of Give the dog a bone' and brownnosing workshops. There's no tyrannical dispatcher or feeding culture either, We do things differently to the rest. After all, you hired a taxi Only to transport you from A to B on time, in comfort, safely.. Right..? We encourage drivers to focus on the road ahead, thereby improving the safety of our passengers and other road users simply by 'Less ass-kissing, better driving'.
Simply, we don't charge taxi drivers 15% commission or equivalent base fee on loss leader journeys. It's only fair that we don't line our pockets at the expense of drivers, when they're already working harder than ever owing to price wars of the past and entrenched competition. And we've removed all the faff of taxi drivers overdressed in suits twentyfourseven, swanning around in first class executive or prestige cars - to focus on the basics: Getting you to where you need to be, on time, in safety and comfort; be Driven Direct.
For example the suggested fare (meter rate set by the Council) for a journey from Wokingham to Heathrow is £60 approx. But the market rate is £36: ie a Loss Leader. From which the driver pays the taxi company a 15% commission/ equivalent base fee of £6. Leaving the driver £30. Some drivers lose a further 10% because taxi company penalises them if the customer pays by credit card (Yes, really!!) - leaving the driver with £27 gross.
  Our Wokingham to Heathrow rate is £30. Our drivers charge you £30. They pay us Zero fees on Loss Leaders.. It's only fair business practice. Still leaving them with a gross amount of £30 and we pass the savings directly back to you.
  It's a WIN:WIN
  Which means cheaper taxi fares for you, and a better journey experience.
  Reliable taxis, fair prices
Most people calling for a taxi, simply want transport! That's all.  
Most people calling for a taxi do not request for an executive vehicle, let alone request for a suited taxi driver wearing tie twentyfourseven! They don't make such specific requests; for a taxi driver to be dressed in a suit 24/7 and wearing tie to collect them from the pub, or from the airport. Or request a taxi driver must be driving a first class or prestige cars to convey their shopping from the supermarket, nor for the driver to be clean shaven or tattooless when collecting them for a red eye flight, etc.  
They do request, or quite rightly expect 1. A taxi on time, 2. A licensed and insured taxi driver, 3. A clean and licensed, insured taxi.  
Neither are they willing to pay the meter rate due to price wars of the past and entrenched competition in the Loddon valley, let alone pay a premium for a Mercedes or executive taxi driven by a suited driver - which will just as effectively convey them from Point A to Point B in comparative safety and comfort, as a standard saloon vehicle.  
You're hired to drive, Not to..
You've been hired to drive, not to brownnose passengers and stroke their egos, acting obsequiously or to engage in deep conversation. Nor are you expected to counsel or interrogate them. We just want you to be yourself and focus on driving - what you've been hired for!!!. To pay attention to the road ahead. Besides most people hire a taxi for transport ONLY to convey them from one location to another - not to chit chat. in so doing causing distraction and posing a risk to themselves and other road users. Driving taxis generally at high speeds, reacting to traffic and road conditions and constantly adapting to other road users - does require focus and concentration. Shut up and drive, please.  
  Driver : Passenger interaction
We don't expect you to brownnose passengers and stroke their egos, acting obsequiously or to engage in deep conversation. Nor are you expected to counsel or interrogate them. We just want you to be yourself and focus on driving - what you've been hired for!!!. To pay attention to the road ahead. Besides most people hire a taxi for transport ONLY to convey them from one location to another - not to chit chat. in so doing causing distraction and posing a risk to themselves and other road users. Driving taxis generally at high speeds, reacting to traffic and road conditions and constantly adapting to other road users - does require focus and concentration. Shut up and drive, please.  
Join us.. Get in touch today.  
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