Taxis from Wokingham to Heathrow £30 Fixed rates 24/7  
> Book Now  
  Tel: 07587 867981 | 07555 466142
Godspeed Cars of Wokingham. Frequently asked questions.
  Are you licensed and insured?
Yes. We have you covered with Public Liability Insurance and our drivers and vehicles are insured for Hire & Reward with a reputable insurance provider. We are insured to carry passengers for commercial purposes.
  Which areas do you cover?
  We operate from Wokingham, M4 J10. We cover Berkshire, West Berkshire and we are well located for Buckinghamshire, Surrey, Oxfordshire and London. We have the facilities to transport you to any location across the UK.
  Which airports do you cover?
  The majority of transfers we undertake are to/ from London Heathrow and London Gatwick, City Airport and Stansted. We are happy to meet you at any other airport in the UK, with a network of affiliates.
  You don't have an office landline number?
  We ditched it, we've gone totally mobile.
Obviously a landline number makes a business look established, reassures new customers and shows them we're local. Well, that was before diverting landlines to mobile phones. Instead, we'd rather be upfront and just give you our office mobile phone numbers. Like fax machines looking a little passe and cheques fading out of existence, today's mobile phone technology and signal coverage has sounded the death knell for landlines. Best of all if we've missed your call for whatever reason we'll return your call as soon as possible. Or if you prefer send us a text message or an email or book online, apparently online is the new landline. Most importantly we're able to pass the savings of landline setup/ connection and rental fees along with call & diversion charges back to you with cheaper taxi fares.  
  What is the difference between a Taxi Driver/ Private Hire and a Chauffeur?
The Price, and the Service Level - which is representative of the price.  
One does not hire a taxi expecting the taxi driver to be overdressed in a suit swanning around in first class executive or prestige cars. Indeed, one would quite rightly expect such a level of service when hiring a Chauffeur - along with a premium price!. For which the driver come chauffeur will roll out some red carpet treatment, carry your luggage and open doors, probably also massage the ego a little.  
Rather unexplainable is every taxi driver in the area overdressed in suits twentyfourseven driving first class executive or prestige cars as local taxis but charging half the meter rate!!??. Today, all taxi companies in Wokingham and most across Berkshire, are in fact charging 50-80% less than the meter rate (Hackney & Private Hire Tariff) set by the local council(s), let alone charging anyone a premium for the Executive or Chauffeur service delivered!!  
Generally pakisteini proprietors, illiterate or uneducated and entrenched in the market with a fear of losing market share or most probably their repute, or their legacy. W4SEM. Lacking in sales and negotiation skills but instead raising the bar higher and higher for taxi drivers only to stroke their little egos to proclaim themselves as businessmen or entrepreneurs. By needlessly disciplining taxi drivers to wear a suit and tie 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and regulating their hair and beard length, moustache curl, suit colour, tattoos even - deluded to assume every person calling for a taxi shares their feeble minded bias. Of a taxi driver being suited twentyfourseven or clean shaven or a particular skin colour or ethnicity.  
    We get the basics right and keep it simple.. s

Fact remains, most customers if not all, calling for a taxi do not make such specific requests for a taxi driver to be dressed in a suit twentyfourseven wearing tie to collect them from the pub or airport, or request a Mercedes to convey their shopping from the supermarket, or for the driver to be clean shaven or tattooless when collecting them for a red eye flight, etc. Without at the very least expecting to pay a premium for the added service - perhaps for a wedding or special event. Indeed most people calling for a taxi do request, if not quite rightly expect:; 1. A taxi on time, 2. its a licensed, insured taxi and clean, and 3. its driven by a licensed and insured driver. For most part of the journey passengers get a great view of the back of the drivers head!! A Mercedes badge or a taxi driver in a suit adorned with stains and seat belt abrasions - but wearing a tie 24/7, does not somehow make lateness acceptable. Nor does any particular skin colour, ethnicity or appearance. So, instead of wasting our resources, time, and energy like our deluded peers on such unnecessary discipline and discrimination of taxi drivers - we focus on getting the basics right. From us you can expect 1. Your taxi arrives on time, 2. your taxi driver is licensed and insured and 3. Your taxi is insured, licensed and presentable . Of course, we too, can supply taxi drivers in suits wearing tie or executive class vehicles for special occasions - but for an added premium. We'll even roll out some red carpet treatment for the right price, and even cater to your exacting special requirements!!

After all, its basic business sense - price charged reflects upon the level of service provided. Neither does one expect to receive a Harrods level of service at your local Lidl or Aldi, Sainsburys or Tesco, or Waitrose even, nor from Asda or Morrisons (in the interest of fairness). Simply because you're not paying a premium for that added value, so you wouldn't expect the red carpet treatment or for your shopping to be carried around, or for doors to be held open - as one may expect when spending tens of thousands of pounds in Harrods. Rather Self-checkouts and queues. And if there's left any doubt, considering a final analogy of airlines. One would not expect the same level of service or added value from EasyJet or RyanAir compared to that of British Airways or Etihad - without the added premium!! Hardly rocket science.  
  Departures: Travelling to the airport
  We suggest that you plan your journey to arrive to the Airport atleast 1 - 3 hours before your flight departure time - depending on factors; Domestic/ European/ International travel, checking in luggage or carry on, frequent flyer etc. For further information contact your airline.
  When booking your taxi please allow sufficient travel time, and if your schedule allows some contingency for unexpected delays and roadworks;-
  Typical journey times from the Wokingham area to Off-peak Peak
  Heathrow Terminal 5 35 minutes+ 45 minutes+
  Heathrow Terminal 2, 3 40 minutes+ 50 minutes+
  Heathrow Terminal 4 45 minutes+ 1 Hour+
  Gatwick North or South Terminals 1 hour 15 minutes+ 1 hour 45 minutes+
  Luton airport 1 Hour 20 minutes+ 1 hour 45 minutes+
  Stansted airport 1 Hour 40 minutes+ 2 Hours+
  Southampton Docks 1 Hour 15 minutes+ 2 Hours+
  Peak travel times are Monday to Friday between 06:00 - 09:00 and between 16:30 - 18:30.
  Arrivals: Travelling from the airport
  If you've booked an airport collection, your driver will meet you at the official Airport Meeting Point(s) inside the airport arrivals hall landside, holding a nameboard displaying your name (unless otherwise agreed). It is advisable to have your mobile phone switched on for your driver to contact you.
Airport Meeting Point(s);  
LHR T2 For Heathrow Terminal 2, our drivers will meet you by Travelex, or by Cafe Nero.  
LHR T3 For Heathrow Terminal 3, our drivers will meet you by WHSmith and Boots.  
LHR T44 For Heathrow Terminal 4 - your driver will meet you by Costa Coffee.  
LHR T5 For Heathrow Terminal 5 your driver will meet you by Costa Coffee.  
  For Heathrow Terminal 5 domestic arrivals, drivers will meet you by the Giraffe Stop  
LGW For Gatwick, meeting points are by Costa Coffee in both North and South Terminals  
  For airport collections;
There's no waiting charge for the first hour after your flight has landed.  
  Allowing you sufficient time to pass through passport control, baggage reclaim and Customs. (NB 98% of airport pick ups are undertaken within an hour after landing.)  
There's no extra charge for Meet & Greet. Most other taxi companies charge £6-10.  
  We'll monitor your flight for delays and dispatch your driver accordingly. Your driver will also monitor your flight and endeavour to be parked and inside the terminal 15 - 30 minutes after your flight has landed (unless otherwise instructed), depending on luggage: carry-on or checked baggage.  
Car parking is chargeable at cost, typically £4. Most other taxi companies charge £7.  

99% of airport pick ups undertaken are charged at £4 because we monitor flight arrivals and dispatch drivers accordingly - keeping the car parking cost to a minimum. > Heathrow Short Stay Parking. The terminal forecourts are drop-off only.

  What if my flight is delayed? or lands earlier than scheduled?
  We'll be there .. and there's nothing extra to pay - no extra charge.
  It's our responsibility to monitor your flight and dispatch drivers accordingly, drivers will also monitor flights for delays and early arrivals.Red-eye flights are monitored the day before to avoid any delays.
  We operate an equal opportunity recruitment policy - merit based. Drivers are recruited for their driving skill and ability NOT their ethnicity or skin colour, appearance ie Covert racism or unconscious/ implicit bias.  Hipsters, bearded, clean shaven, bald or ponytailed. Some wear headscarves or hijab, others turbans and yarmulkes.  One's appearance is a basic human right and in accordance to Anti-discrimination laws it would not only be legally but more so morally wrong to discriminate on grounds of ethnicity/ appearance or religion - so we're proud to boast that we've already got some of the ugliest in town!! After all, a taxi driver is hired to drive, and physical appearance does not affect driving ability or alertness, or intellect. 
It somewhat beggars belief BAME (British: Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) people are expected to integrate into society whilst being denied equal opportunities and discriminated against. Particularly first-generation and multigenerational BAME graduates having to endure with forbearance racial and religious discrimination together with inherent institutional racism, leaving most alienated others disenfranchised, some radicalised (Source: Prevent). Tokenism is rife and white privilege prevalent; a beautiful thing somehow, whitewash.  Covert racism or unconscious/ implicit bias resulting in BAME graduates failing to even touch the glass ceiling let alone break through, such a massive waste of talent.  Untapped potential capable of adding £24 billion a year to the UK economy (Source: McGregor-Smith Review 2017). Ethnic diversity in UK boardrooms and senior management lags almost two decades behind gender equality (Source: Spencer Stuart 2015 Board Index), despite the positive action measures encouraged by The Equality Act 2010 to redress under representation and foster diversity in the workplace. In spite of the hyperbolic news churned out by Britains infamous but most read gutter press; The Daily Mail and Red top tabloids - how the current 13% BAME population in the UK could ever pose a threat to the 87% white british indigenous inhabitants is simply pig-ignorant.
And should the colour of a drivers skin or ethnicity or religion or appearance cause disquiet, may we respectfully suggest you consider employing your own in-house chauffeur to satisfy your prejudices (circa £35k pa). We don't encourage any form of discrimination whatsoever. Acknowledging and taking responsibility for unconscious or implicit bias ie racism is not just financially and reputationally important, it's a moral imperative.
A published study by Professor Ineptias proving definitively exposure to carcinogenic right-wing British garbage media such as The Daily Mail, and Red-top tabloids causes mental judgement problems and damaged health. Recently banned in 2018 from Virgin trains for its Daily racist views and constant vitriol thereby 'incompatible with the brand and beliefs of Virgin Trains'. Though Britains best selling and most read newspaper by 52% of Brits for its racist opinion and exaggeration. Most Daily Mail articles can be described as a car crash, sometimes very literal. Daily Mail readers supposedly causing a large number of RTA's having developed a persistent habit of veering to the right!! The Daily racist slur and scaremongering, exaggeration, islamophobia, xenophobia resulting in prolonged stress and anxiety. Though treatment can be sought, the NHS is avoided by Daily Mail readers for being largely staffed by immigrants.
Show racism the red card?    
Be Woke. No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love. Love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Nelson Mandela.
A man who racially abused Mr Fateh, punching him
A taxi driver was beaten and robbed after collecting a fare from Wokingham town centre. Faisal Ali Fateh was attacked after picking up a group of five people from Elms Road, Wokingham. The ringleader of the attackers launched a violent assault on Mr Fateh after racially abusing him. Left shaken by the incident and required stitches to a cut to his lip, He said "I have bruising to my face, bruising to my neck and I had stitches in my lip. I can't eat anything because of the pain and I can't see properly. This is very, very bad for me."
> Click to read article in The Wokingham News Get Reading 7 JUN 2013
Racist mob attack on Wokingham taxi driver
The gang of seven became aggressive and started shouting at him in Elms Road Wokingham. Atif Khan was pushed and kicked to the ground. The bystanders he thought were good samaritans started milling around the taxi, shouting racist abuse and insults at him. "I thought at first they would help, but it became clear they were supporting the men who were attacking me" Mr khan suffered a broken knee cap in the attack. "They were shouting evil things, 'serves him right', 'swindling Paki', 'why don't you f*ck off back home?"
> Click to read article in The Wokingham News, Get Reading 12 JUN 2009
  Rhianne Cameron and her 17 year old accomplice, racially abused Wokingham taxi driver Mohammad Argoubi.
AWokinghams 19 year old Cameron began hurling racist abuse at taxi driver Mohammad Argoubi at the Wokingham Station. He was pinned to the ground and repeatedly punched and kicked, suffering a fractured ankle in the process. "Cameron was shouting 'you f*cking polish you f*cking paki what are you doing here'. She then punched him in his left cheek bone. The two girls then caused £6,000 of damage to his Mercedes taxi after the frightened victim hobbled away. 20 year old Zachary Briggs of Wokingham and a 17 year old girl from Wokingham were charged with GBH and racially aggravated bodily harm. Judge Angela Morris was compelled by their age not to send them into custody and all three loutish hooligans skipped jail for this horrifying racist attack.
  > Click to read article in The Wokingham News, Get Reading, Local Berkshire - Racism in the Thames Valley?, Bracknell News 30 MAR 2017
  Wokinghams Conservative Mayor in Theresa Mays shared constituency Peter Lucey quits in disgrace over islamophobic comments made in support of Britains racist far-right group EDL > Bracknell News | > Wokingham Paper. APR 2018 )
  Do you provide child car seats or booster seats?
  White Monkeys UK
  From Loddon cars to Heathrow (all terminals) only £23 - Special Offer  
Taxi from Wargrave to Heathrow £23
Fixed rate 24/7 Because.. Time matters
  Taxi from Twyford to Heathrow £23
  Fixed rate 24/7 Because.. Price matters
Free Upgrade to 'Silver BMW' 7 Series Long wheelbase. Sit back and Driven Direct. Offer applies to saloon vehicles which convey 3 passengers in maximum comfort and elegance. (Anonymous' calls refused.) Special Offer Code :-191015W4SEM/3:54.
    Waseem Mirza: "From Loddon cars to Gatwick, Luton , Southampton only £55 - Amazing values Lovely 7 Series in.. The Customer is King' and Customer is Always Right' Always' and iWaseem Mirza OK and iBusinessman OK. OK. Waseem Mirza in the Loddon. April 2019    
Driver dress code  
Our drivers are dressed smart casual.   
If required drivers can wear suit and tie (Executive & Chauffeur service at premium cost) for special occasions; weddings, funerals etc. We've found from experience that a smart casual dress code for taxi drivers creates a more relaxed atmosphere in the vehicle, putting the driver and passengers at ease. After all the business suit wasn't tailored for taxi driving. Unless you're James Bond (or Frank Martin) who has the magic of filmmaking to ensure his bespoke suit won't be wrinkled when he exits the car, nor does he need to worry about seatbelt abrasion. Which renders the whole act of wearing a suit twentyfourseven whilst driving a taxi futile in portraying a corporate image. So unlike other "taxi" companies we don't needlessly discipline our drivers to wear a tie or suit 24 hours 7 days a week, as per customer request..We keep life simple and get the basics right!! Which means our drivers are comfortable and at ease - focusing on the road ahead, resulting in a better journey experience for our passengers. For us its enough that drivers have been licensed by the Council and we know its quite a thorough process, so we're not going to put extra hurdles in their path for want to be called Entrepreneurs!  
Not even 'The Suits' are wearing suits anymore!!
To be frank, why a taxi driver would wear a suit and tie evenings and weekends let alone 24/7, simply defies common sense. Wearing a suit during working hours Mon - Fri 9 - 5 is rational atleast; maybe they've just attended a job interview or a meeting with the bank manager, perhaps a first date - wedding - funeral.
It’s comical to see taxi drivers across Berkshire over-dressed in suits (ill-fitting and wrinkled) wearing tie twentyfourseven, driving private hire taxis conveying passengers from the supermarket, restaurant, pub or to/ from the airport, who probably can’t even remember the driver's name the morning after let alone whether they were suited or wearing tie.
Hence we've cut out all the fluff added to the market by deluded peers over the years, left confused by the difference between a Taxi driver and a Chauffeur, as explained above. So our drivers are not disciplined to wear suit and tie 24/7. As you haven't requested a suited driver for your local taxi run - neither are you expecting to pay a premium for this executive/ chauffeur level of service. Which can be provided at an extra cost. Thus allowing us to pass the savings back to you with cheaper taxi rates.  
  We keep things simple and get the basics right ..
Small wonder taxi drivers flocked to Uber in the masses, escaping the shadowy world of private hire taxis plagued with tribalism, feeding culture, tyrannical dispatchers and faff. Rest assured, we don't operate a caste system of the gujar's and jats; choudary's, raja's and bengaladesis from pakstan of First Class Executive / Twentyfourseven; the malik's of Prestige cars and Elite cars; mirza's and untouchables, romanians of Loddon cars.
Best of all, you'll not be discriminated against for refusing to subscribe to peer worshipping, hadithism and sectarianism - as practised by these companies, pakindians and mainstream muslims. Whether you choose to live as shia or sunni, schisms ought to matter not. By the same token, if you prefer instead to live by the holy book (Quran) as a non-denominational muslim, that's your prerogative. To each his own.. Right ..!? Recruitment >Working together




Service levels  
What type of vehicle can I expect?  
We operate a mixed fleet of vehicles such as the Audi A8, the BMW 7 Series, the Mercedes E Class, and Mercedes S Class. Along with a variety of standard saloon vehicles offering safety and comfort - which will effectively convey you from Point A to Point B economically. Some of our vehicles are not executive class and neither are you paying a premium for this level of service. Whilst our chauffeur driven vehicles can be requested at a premium, ofcourse driven by a suited driver and are supplied to a high specification with comfortable leather seats, ample legroom and storage space. Smoking is prohibited on board all vehicles so you can expect a pleasant ambience in all vehicles and a clean interior. The passenger compartment of our vehicles is generally cleaned in between client use, except for the boot designed to carry luggage only. Exterior cleanliness is weather dependant.. Operating a mixed fleet allows us to better manage our running costs and pass the savings directly back to you with cheaper taxi fares.  
We offer four service levels:  
  I. Economy Class
Simply getting you from Point A to Point B. Offering you a variety of saloon taxi vehicles at budget rates. Suitable for all your taxi needs. Price Match Guarantee.
Wokingham to Heathrow, From £27 Standard wokingham taxi, saloon vehicles  
  II. Premium economy
Your local wokingham hackney taxi, e.g Doblo or Tepee - Ideal for group travel or local journeys - run on the meter. £4.10 for the first mile and £2.10 for each mile thereafter and £0.28 every 38 seconds.
Wokingham to Heathrow, From £58. Peugeot Partner Tepee, Fiat Doblo, wheelchair accessible hackney taxi  
  III. Business Class
Executive taxi service for business travel. Typical vehicle is Mercedes E Class or similar i.e BMW 5 and Audi A6 and Jaguar. Prestige cars only marginally more expensive than your local metered taxi, Doblo or Tepee.
Wokingham to Heathrow, From £68 Mercedes E Class, BMW 5, Audi A6  
  IV. First Class
The finest chauffeur driven limo's, the red carpet treatment for those special occasions, weddings etc. Vehicle range is BMW 7 Series, Audi A8, Mercedes S Class.
Wokingham to Heathrow, From £85 Mercedes S Class, BMW 7, Audi A8  
Indicative rates for a typical journey from Wokingham to Heathrow. Meter rates are imposed by the local council, currently £4.10 for the first mile and £2.10 for each mile thereafter and £0.28 every 38 seconds.. Wokingham Private Hire & Hackney Taxi Tariff.
Vehicle Allocation  
For corporate work and airport transfers/ motorway and long distance travel we try to allocate vehicles from our executive fleet, i.e BMW 7 or S Class, A8 and Mercedes E Class which are seldom used for local taxi work unless specifically requested.  Cruising effortlessly on the motorway at high speeds whilst improving passenger safety and enhancing passenger comfort.  It’s just not practical to throw them around town on shopping/ school/ pub runs, rather foolish and expensive. Nor were they manufactured for short stop/ start journeys.  For local journeys we generally use standard saloon vehicles, metered taxis, and the Ford Galaxy etc which are more practical and economical for shorter journeys.  
Although saloon vehicles are licensed to carry 4 passengers, we advise you book a larger vehicle such as the Ford Galaxy which would provide a more comfortable and elegant experience for 4 passengers. Saloon vehicles convey 3 passengers in maximum comfort.   
Do you carry pets in your cars?  
Nope .  
How do I make my reservation?  
Bookings can be made by telephone, by email, SMS text message or online.  
We recommend that you book online, booking online improves accuracy & accountability over telephone bookings whilst relaying itinerary/ reservation details.  
For your reference and peace of mind you'll receive confirmation of your reservation by email within a few hours. Putting an end to those "It wasn't me!!" situations if you've made a telephone booking for a taxi but have nothing to prove you did if your taxi didn't show up. Or miscommunication over what you did say, or didn't say when you booked over the phone. Online bookings help us to process your request efficiently and ensures all the necessary information is provided accurately. > Book Now  
How much booking notice do you require?  
Availability changes daily so we suggest that you place your reservation as soon as you have the firm dates and times for your planned journey. Priority is always given to advanced bookings.  
To avoid disappointment please book your journey in advance to guarantee availability. > Book Now  
Can you accommodate last minute bookings?  
We can accommodate last minute bookings on the day of travel, but this is subject to vehicles being available. Priority is always given to advance bookings, so wherever possible you should try and book in advance to guarantee a vehicle. > Book Now  
Can I book one-way taxi only to/ from the airport?  
Yes you can. Unlike other taxi companies we don't insist that you must book return taxis to and from the airport. If you've managed to persuade a friend or family member to drop you off to the airport and you require a one-way trip only - that's alright - we'll be there for you. We look forward to being of service to you. > Book Now  
Driver and Passenger Ratings;
Our two-way rating system helps to create a positive experience for everyone. It's a two-way street.
Driver rating is: 5   Click Here to Rate your driver >
We take driver ratings very seriously. We monitor driver's ratings and your feedback helps in flagging up drivers who may be in need of some training and development, or a promotion. Drivers with low ratings (below the 4.6 average rating) are managed accordingly. A driver's overall rating is the average of their last 100 completed trips. Your rating must be representative of their driving performance more than any other factor, after all they're taxi 'drivers' and it's all about the driving.
After your journey please do take the opportunity to Rate your driver on a one-to-five-star scale online. NB The weather, Road Traffic conditions, or flight disruptions should not influence your rating of your driver - These factors are beyond even your control!!.
Instead you should take the following into consideration and rate your driver accordingly, primarily for their driving performance;
For arriving on time. Being punctual with good communication if they were delayed.
For a clean (inside the passenger compartment not the boot or exterior) and presentable vehicle, no smoking with a pleasant ambience.
For being presentable (dressed smart casual), without unpleasant body odours, good personal hygiene.
For good driving effort. Was alert, attentive and considerate to other road users with good route knowledge and navigation.  
(No road rage, undertaking, tailgating, lane hogging, sudden braking, swerving or weaving etc). Well Driven.  
For being civil. (Not for exhibiting servile compliance ie mimicking porters and ass-kissing!).
Passenger rating is: 5   Rate your passenger >
Your driver(s) will also give you a rating of up to 5 stars after your journey.  
Low passenger (rider) ratings can result in longer waiting times and less availability. Getting bumped, or your taxi being cancelled and getting banned from the service altogether. Here are some pointers you should take into consideration when you're a passenger in our vehicles (or in any taxi for that matter) which will hurt your rating:(Pretty obvious: it's just about being civil and considerate).  
Starts with good time keeping.  
Try not to keep the drivers waiting. Their time is as important as yours, if not moreso!!  
As per company policy we endeavour to arrive ten minutes early, so if you've noticed your driver has arrived early, and you're ready to rock'n'roll, then let's get the show on the road (And you're off the mark with a one star rating already). In being punctual - you're being considerate not only towards the driver but moreso towards the next passenger. Please be mindful of the knock on effect of your lateness onto the next passenger - who is most probably travelling to the airport to catch a flight too. Being punctual helps the driver in not having to rush and sail too close to the wind only because you didn't shake a leg!!  
  Needless to say:-  
  Rule Number One: Respect a man's car and the man respects you.  
  Please treat our vehicles the same as you would treat your own, if not a little better. Mind your feet. Occasionally we come across inconsiderate passengers with alter egos who somehow feel it acceptable slamming car doors, nudging or kicking door and seat panels or fidgeting with switches, buttons and centre consoles, generally with a malicious intent.  Not only is this behaviour selfish and petty, antagonising drivers and posing a real distraction to driver concentration levels*. Our vehicles are licensed for public use - to allow ALL passengers to enjoy a pleasant ambience and a scratch and squeak free environment. As you can probably appreciate interior panels are generally dealer only parts which can also be fairly inconvenient and expensive to replace (neither were leather seats or the passenger compartment of vehicles designed to carry luggage etc, rather the boot: see below).  So please be considerate as any offenders will be reprimanded and charged appropriately or ejected swiftly*.  Similarly any damage to a bus or a train would constitute Criminal Damage.  All vehicles are inspected before and after passengers boarding and any damage logged and reported.  Please be advised our drivers clean these vehicles several times daily particularly the interior after passenger use so any damage caused won't go undetected.  
Rule Number Two: Greet the driver and be courteous.
Driver interaction: Courtesy costs very little so greet the driver and please be mindful. They are drivers first and foremost; they certainly aren’t trained to play agony aunt or to counsel you. Driving taxis generally at high speeds and responding and reacting to traffic delays, road conditions etc and constantly adapting to other road users - does require focus and concentration. So it’s suggested you let them do the driving and refrain from engaging in deep conversation. If possible avoid sitting in the front passenger seat thereby enhancing drivers focus on the road ahead and it's one less distraction for the driver - feeling less obliged to make conversation for fear of being perceived rude. Minimal conversation is advisable to even avoid any possible offence or misunderstanding or argument. Back-seat drivers take note.

Please be advised that our drivers are not expected to tolerate any form of verbal abuse. Nor are they required to massage inflated egos or play the fool to make you feel more accomplished in society or to entertain you. Nor do they deserve any sarcasm or bigotry or to be ridiculed or spoken down to.  In fact they are employed and hired ONLY to drive you from one location to another in a safe and effective manner. Should the driver feel it necessary passengers will be asked to leave the vehicle, regardless of your Net Worth.  Similarly being abusive to a bus driver will probably get you ejected pretty swiftly regardless of your repute!!. It may also be worth reminding yourselves that you are only paying half the meter rate with most taxi companies across Berkshire, which means drivers are working twice as hard some with their socks pulled up to their knees for half as much - so a little appreciation towards your driver may well be deserved for conveying you in safety and comfort and on time - at half the meter rate

And forgetting not Frank Martins Rule No 3 from The Transporter Film Series; fasten seat belts.
How are your rates calculated?  
Our rates are calculated from the government imposed taxi tariff, the meter rate set by the Wokingham Borough Council - with consideration to the market rate set by peers and price wars of the past, battle of egos.  
  Meter rate:   The current Wokingham Private Hire & Hackney Taxi Tariff/ meter rate:- "Tariff 1 (hiring between 6am and 11 pm); For a journey of up to 836 yards or 190 seconds or part thereof - £3.00; For each subsequent 167yds or 38 seconds or part thereof = 20p". Implemented August 2013. Current Hackney & Private Hire Tariffs can be obtained from Wokingham Council or online: Wokingham Hackney & Private Hire RatesTranslating into: £4.10 for the first mile and £2.10 for each mile thereafter and a further £0.20 per 38 seconds in traffic conditions. For journeys undertaken between 23:00 - 06:00 Tariff 2 is chargeable (Additional 50% on Tariff 1)  
      For example, a metered taxi from Wokingham to; Heathrow £60~, to Gatwick £110. to Luton £120 see rates.  
  Market rate:   This is what all private hire taxis are charging today in Wokingham because of price wars and peers.  
      For example, taxi from Wokingham to; Heathrow £33, to Gatwick £65, to Luton £65 see rates.  
  Operating Costs:   Including but not limited to: Cost of taxi vehicle; Capital, financing/ lease/ depreciation + Private Hire Insurance + Private Hire Licensing + Running Costs (Road Tax + MOT + Servicing & Maintenance, tyres etc) + Cost of fuel (+ dead mileage) + Drivers hourly pay/ salary and/ or Base fee/ commission.  
  Gross profit:   Meter rate/ Market rate - Operating costs = Gross profit.  
  Net profit:   Hmm  
  Why are you so cheap?
  We don't line our pockets (with breadcrumbs) at the expense of drivers
We've streamlined our business model from harnessing over 20 years of experience in the sector to adapt to the changing marketplace, refined policies and processes, reduced overheads and cut away unnecessary administration, archaic methods and old-fashioned ways to improve efficiency and become leaner - Uber-esque. Passing the savings realised directly back to you with competitive taxi fares.
Resulting in improved productivity and lower operational costs, utilising disruptive innovations we operate remotely using mobile phone telephony and remote technology. With fixed rates 24/7 in line with local companies, we don't charge drivers a commission or base fee. Renounced taxi drivers being ostentatious in business suits (at your expense) parading around in extravagant Mercedes as local taxis. No ball and chain, instead empowered, contented drivers and flexible working policies. We're Game Changers.
We keep things simple as 1..2..3.. and get the basics right, drivers are not micro-managed, tracked and needlessly disciplined with bygone stratagems of Give the dog a bone' and brownnosing workshops. There's no tyrannical dispatcher or feeding culture either, We do things differently to the rest. After all, you Only hired a taxi to transport you from A to B on time, in comfort, safely.. Right..? We encourage drivers to focus on the road ahead, thereby improving the safety of our passengers and other road users simply by 'Less ass-kissing, better driving'.
As you probably know, the market rate in Wokingham has been set by price wars of the past and the entrenched competition mindlessly undercutting each other in a race to become the largest taxi supplier in size, become respected as businessmen or entrepreneurs, or leave a legacy. As a direct consequence of their lack of business acumen and defunct sales/ negotiation skills the taxi drivers in the area have lost almost 50% from the meter rate set by the council. For example, the suggested fare (The meter rate) for a journey from Wokingham to Heathrow is £60 approx. But the market rate is £35 - which is what most companies are charging today because of the price wars of the past/ battle of egos. Thereby transforming a Cash Cow/ Star journey (No direct route by public transport for employees of FTSE 100 companies from Wokingham & surrounding areas to Heathrow Airport (until 2018 Crossrail) = proven Demand) into a Loss Leader in the past decade only for want to be respected as Entrepreneurs and Businessmen.
  Stroking their egos in a mindless pursuit to become the largest taxi company in size and then raising the bar for drivers and proclaiming to offer First Class or Prestige cars - after giving away 50% of their profit margin in a mindless battle of egos. Failing miserably to regulate the market because they succumb to the haggling and flirting prowess of a few most probably drunk when bartering for cheaper taxis, or an overzealous PA taking a punt to score brownie points. The market rate is set and can't be changed because the same ego ridden or uneducated or illiterate proprietor(s) W4SEM lacking in sales & negotiation skills and business acumen exist entrenched in the marketplace. Still trying in vain to delude themselves as entrepreneurs or businessman was em ploy Loddon' cars. Twyford to Heathrow £23
So, we're actually making it better for the drivers,
Because we don't charge drivers a commission or a base fee like our peers after forcing a 50% loss of fare upon them only to stroke their little egos!!. For example each taxi driver is typically charged £200 p.w. approx (Base Fee or equivalent 15% Commission) by their taxi companies. Some drivers are charged a further 10% if the customer decides to pay by credit card!! (Yes Really!!) Taxi companies charge the taxi drivers and not the customers only to undercut the competition desperate to increase volume but lose margins. Drivers work twice as many hours and their cars travel double the distance to claw back some of the 50-80% fare lost because of these egotistical peers lacking business acumen. Whilst our operational standards make our taxi drivers lives much easier, without having to be suited 24 hours a day or to stretch themselves to finance executive class vehicles only to charge 50% less than a metered Teppee!! which means a better journey experience for you and of course cheaper taxi fares!!
Do you charge extra after midnight?
No - in line with local companies, because time matters (W4SEM).
Fixed rates 24/7 - all year round,, because price matters (!)
Do you charge extra on Christmas Day and Bank Holidays?
No. There's no surcharge on Bank Holidays. It just wouldn't be fair or ethical to levy a surcharge at Christmas.
Like every other taxi company around here do you offer free rides, discounts, and money-off vouchers for posting 5 star google reviews rating your business - or recommending friends, family, etc?
Nope. We're a little different to the others. We get the basics right and keep it simple..s
Simply, we don't charge taxi drivers 15% commission or equivalent base fee on loss leader journeys. It's only fair that we don't line our pockets at the expense of drivers, when they're already working harder than ever owing to price wars of the past and entrenched competition. And we've removed all the faff of taxi drivers overdressed in suits twentyfourseven, swanning around in first class executive or prestige cars - to focus on the basics: Getting you to where you need to be, on time, in safety and comfort; be Driven Direct.
For example the suggested fare (meter rate set by the Council) for a journey from Wokingham to Heathrow is £60 approx. But the market rate is £36: ie a Loss Leader. From which the driver pays the taxi company a 15% commission/ equivalent base fee of £6. Leaving the driver £30. Some drivers lose a further 10% because taxi company penalises them if the customer pays by credit card (Yes, really!!) - leaving the driver with £27 gross.
  Our Wokingham to Heathrow rate is £30. Our drivers charge you £30. They pay us Zero fees on Loss Leaders.. It's only fair business practice. Still leaving them with a gross amount of £30 and we pass the savings directly back to you.
  It's a WIN:WIN
  Which means cheaper taxi fares for you, and a better journey experience.
  Unbeatable taxi rates in Wokingham for Key workers, jet-setters and holiday makers.  
  From Wokingham (all areas within the Wokingham Borough including Arborfield, Barkham, Binfield, Charvil, Crowthorne, Earley and Lower Earley, Finchampstead, Hurst, Remenham, Ruscombe, Shinfield, Sonning, Spencers Wood, Three Mile Cross, Twyford, Wargrave, Woodley, Winnersh) to Heathrow (any terminal) Only £30. > To Gatwick, Luton, Southampton or London only £55  
  Rates advertised online are current & valid from 19/10/2015 - 2022 > Book Now  
Can I pay by credit card?
Yes. With consideration to our competitive rates cash payment is preferred wherever possible. Thereby allowing us to keep our overheads low and pass the savings realised in administration & processing directly back to you. We can accept all major credit cards - Visa/ MasterCard/ American Express/ Maestro.
Do you charge for credit card payments?
No. Following the change of law in Jan 2018 banning retailers/ anyone from charging additional fees when someone uses a credit card or debit card to purchase any goods or services.
Can you or your drivers give me a receipt so that I can reclaim my business travel expenses?
Yes. Once you've made payment, we'll email a PDF receipt to you within the hour and as requested. Helping to speed up your expenses claim.
Can I pay in advance or pay on the day?
Payment to be made directly to the driver on the day of travel and upon request.
Can I set up an account and pay by invoice?
Yes. We offer Monthly itemised invoicing and 30 Days credit facilities to Companies and regular travellers (subject to volume). A 20% Administration charge is levied for Account facilities.
Is the drivers tip/ gratuity included in the price quoted?
No, tipping is at your discretion.
Drivers are permitted to accept cash gratuities and in the UK a 10% tip is customary, 20% is plenty!! (All/ any tips are retained by the individual driver in full - we're ethical!!) When dealing with small businesses particularly those in the service sector, ie taxi drivers, porters, mechanics, car valet, waiters/ waitresses, hairdressers, food delivery drivers etc - its customary to give a 10-20% tip to show some appreciation with due consideration to market forces.. (.. mindfulness, it feels good too !!).
Will the driver assist me with my luggage?
Our drivers will help to load/ unload your luggage into/ from the vehicle.
Drivers may use their discretion to assist you with your luggage (which you've managed to haul around the world) to/ from the vehicle, providing you are polite and respectful. However our drivers are not porter's - they are taxi drivers, and they're within their rights to refuse to carry luggage and other loads under Health & Safety at Work guidelines. NB Drivers cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to luggage whilst being carried. Trolleys are readily available.
Porters are available and can be hired at Heathrow Airport at a cost of £20. They are stationed ready to help you on the terminal forecourts in departures, or in the baggage hall in arrivals. You can pre-book their services: Click Here > Heathrow Porters
How much luggage can your vehicles accommodate?
Please specify the amount of luggage you are travelling with at the time of booking. Generally we advise 2 large cases and hand luggage or Less than for a first class executive/ saloon vehicle. It's your responsibility to book a larger vehicle if you're travelling with greater quantities of luggage. Drivers are within their rights to refuse to convey luggage (or Montandon bicycle wheels, golf bags, gemmell skis etc) inside the passenger compartment of vehicles, except for hand baggage at their discretion. Neither were leather seats or the passenger compartment designed to transport luggage. In accordance to Private Hire & Taxi Regulations and Health & Safety, in compliance to Insurance policy terms & Rule No.1 above.
Reliable taxis, fair prices
From Wokingham to Heathrow £30
Please Book your journey in advance to guarantee availability.
Godspeed Cars
If you have a question which has not been addressed above, and for Terms & Conditions contact:
Ayyub, John:
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